Case Study: Pedestrian Fatality

Site Location and Description

Confidential Municipal Collector Road: A bicyclists was unfortunately struck by a moving vehicle and passed away as the result of the trauma caused when he fell to the roadway. The accident occurred along a municipal collector road in an area that was recently included in a down town revitalization project.

Key Project Elements

E&LP was retained to provide an assessment of the engineering design of the roadway modifications that we implemented as part of the revitalization project.

E&LP reviewed the engineering design drawings to determine of the roadway modifications were in any particular, culpable for the circumstances that resulted in this fatality. E&LP found that certain aesthetic aspects of the revitalization plans, in particular the placement of sidewalk “bump outs” to support planting of tress, resulted in a narrowing of the roadway. The roadway modifications were substandard in design width and not in compliance with New Jersey Department of Transportation design standards. The design professions and municipality entered into a settlement agreement upon being furnished our expert report.